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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Issue 1, Volume 1 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Suite 299 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine (c) 1989, is a COMMERCIAL effort. *
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- Hostages by Infogrammes/Mindscape
- This is a unique game and one thing that makes this game hard
- to review is that there is simply no genre of computer or video
- game to which Hostages belongs.
- Hostages is unique. The game, called Operation: Jupiter in
- Europe, is based on a simple concept. Terrorists have taken
- control of a building and are holding (aptly named) hostages.
- "Where negotiations fail..." is where you come in. When you
- choose your skill level you are not only deciding how tough the
- terorists are to defeat, but also how much time you have to
- complete your mission, and on the higher levels, it can become
- very harrowing to be close to victory, only to be beaten by the
- clock.
- The first phase of the game is to get three of your marksmen
- into position to watch three sides of building, and if you're
- bold, to attempt a "sniper" attack on the occupants, and that
- means endangering innocents! But to get your marksmen into
- position you have to guide them as they move through the
- streets around the building, jumping, ducking, running and
- crawling along, and even diving through windows (!) to avoid the
- tell-tale searchlight used by the terrorists to ferret our your
- men. Once your character is spotted, you'll hear sampled
- gunfire, and you'll simply have to do everything to dodge getting
- hit... And, to top off all of this, you hear a pretty mean
- soundtrack (sampled!) playing WHILE you manuever!
- Now, after you get your men in position, the second phase
- begins. There is a brief intermission where a second SWAT team is
- brought in and lifted to the roof of the occupied building via
- helicopter. When the game picks back up, you can use your
- marksmen to "pick off" the shadowy figures in the windows (who
- move around, and like I stated earlier MAY be hostages!), or,
- preferably, to scope out the plan of attack for the team on the
- roof.
- The three man anti-terrorist team must be guided,
- individually, to rappel down one of the three available faces of
- the building and break in through the window and begin the attack.
- Naturally, the actual feel of the game begins to pick up here, and
- having one of your men fall to his death because a terrorist
- severed his line can boost the intensity of the game further.
- However, for the most part, this is easily accomplished after a
- bit of practice.
- Now, once a member of your SWAT team is in the building the
- game gets quite interesting. You get a view of a map on your
- right, and a 3-D perspective of what your character can see. The
- movement and screen updating is reminiscent of FTL's
- DungeonMaster, except now, of course, you're using a joystick.
- You then walk about the building, looking for hostages who
- you must guide up to the roof, and killing terrorists who will be
- patrolling the building. You can only guide one hostage at a time
- to safety, so the effort requires a lot of patience. And it isn't
- that uncommon for the terrorists to use a hostage as a shield so
- you want take a shot at him.
- Now, at this point, I think I should point out a few flaws in
- the game. The first, minor complaint I have is that on a MEGA ST,
- after I complete the first phase, I have to wait for it to boot a
- whole second disk for about a minute EACH time I play and win the
- first phase! It's a bit of a letdown and doesn't help the
- continuity of the game, which is supposed to be heightened at that
- point, not played down. My biggest complain would have to be with
- the joystick control for the player during the third phase. It's
- hard to learn at first, but becomes intuitive when you become
- adjusted to it, but the one thing that is never quite right is
- being able to accurately aim your gun. You are limited in your
- accuracy by this and it isn't handled in a life-like manner. Of
- course, despite inaccuracies, I still have to say it is tolerable
- for a game like this.
- The graphics and sound, however, do make up for these flaws,
- and in fact, make the game worth checking out. I won't say that
- everyone should run out and buy it, but it is a unique game, and
- there isn't much out there on the ST/Mega or any other computer
- like it. It doesn't quite put you out there as if it is a
- simulation, but it does give you almost a "cinematic" feel, as if
- you're interacting in the plot of a movie, not the 11 o'clock
- news.
- Overall, the game is a bit better than most out today, but it
- is a game that people will be polarized to either love or hate it.
- To be fair to Infogrammes and Mindscape (who has released it in
- the USA), have done a great programming job, but it still lacks a
- bit in terms of feel and game play for my own tastes.